Pet Spots Animal Odor Services

Accidents Do Happen – Pet Spots Animal Odor Dog / Cat Urine | Dirty Pet Fur
Owners of even the best-trained pets will occasionally encounter pet accidents like pet stains, pet odor, dog urine, and cat urine. Often, the urine is not discovered until long after the accident. The types of damage from pet stains can be diverse and are dependent upon the makeup of the urine. Urine content will change over the pet’s life because of the pet’s diet, medications, age, health, sex, and reproductive cycles. Because of theses various problems, you need someone experienced with these types of spots and the know-how to remove odors. We have years of experience dealing with pet issues. Let us prove to you that Genesis, Serving all of Santa Clara County is the Dog & Cat Urine Removal & Odor Control Expert.
How Dog Urine & Cat Urine Affect Your Carpet & Upholstery
Pet urine, left unattended, can damage carpet in several ways. Moisture can weaken the layers of the carpet, allowing separation or delamination of the backing material. Seam areas can be particularly damaged and can separate.
Pet Urine can affect the dyes used in carpet, although not all occurrences will result in a permanent stain. Success is dependent upon the content of the Dog Urine or Cat Urine, the dyes and finish used, and the time elapsed after the deposit. Some urine spots may be immediately noticeable, while others may take weeks or months for a reaction. The dyes may change color immediately after contact with Pet Urine.
When Pet Stains develop slowly and are noticed after much time has elapsed, the dyes and carpet fibers may be permanently damaged. In beige carpet, blue dyes are attacked by pet urine, leaving behind the red and yellow dyes with a resulting stain appearing red, yellow, or orange.
Pet Odor Removal & Control
Another problem, especially with cats, is odor. Unless the cat urine can be completely removed, complete odor removal is unlikely. A number of products are available to combat odor, but may simply mask the odor, and, in times of high humidity, the odor may reappear. Genesis, covers All of Santa Clara County for carpet cleaning and has a wide array of tools and chemicals that can help pet odor especially cat urine. For example, enzymes are a natural way to more effectively deal with many of pet related problems. It is important to attack the problem immediately. If you wait to long, some odors cannot be removed, the damaged area of the carpet can be replaced with a piece from reserved scrap. If carpet replacement is necessary, then replacement of cushion and even subflooring may also be necessary.