Professional Mattress Cleaning Services
Allergy Sufferers
Machine Made Fabric
Asthma, Eczema, Bronchitis, Sinusitis,
Rhinitis, Conjunctivitis
UV-C Rays Helps Kill Bacteria
Viruses & Spores
Disinfecting Spray
Removes Dust Mites & Their Excrement
Bacterial Deodorization
Steam Cleaning at over 225 Degree temp

Mattress Cleaning Means a Healthier Family
Mattress Cleaning is important because like any other surface we use, and come in contact with regularly, mattresses should be cleaned thoroughly. It’s fair to say that we spend a significant proportion of time in contact with our mattress. This is particularly important.
To make matters worse, many of us, especially children and babies will often wake up with a runny nose, watery eyes, headache or other typical allergy symptoms? In many cases these symptoms are caused by Dust Mites that feed on the dead skin cells we shed while we sleep. These creatures are prevalent in mattresses because of the amount of time we spend sleeping on them. This is why mattress cleaning is so important and often overlooked.

Not only is Genesis a professional carpet cleaning company, we can clean the mattresses in your home and also treat them with an Anti-Allergen Post Spray Treatment. This treatment de-natures dust mite allergens to prevent you from suffering so severely.