dog on carpet with family

Carpet Pet Odor? 5 Easy Tips To Better Smelling Carpet

Have you ever come home from work or play and get the feeling that something in your house smells weird? You may be experiencing pet odor.

Pet odor is a common issue in homes with pets and frequently the carpet is the culprit as pets spend the majority of their time on your carpet. Fortunately, pet odors in carpet can be dealt with and it’s fairly easy!

5 Tips To Remove Pesky Pet Odor in Carpets

How do you get rid of pet odors? You may have already guessed that it’s not as simple as just spraying cleaner on the problem and calling it good.

If you want to get a jump start on bringing a clean smell back into your pet-odor plagued carpets, follow the 5 tips below and your carpets will be back to smelling great in no time!

Keep Your Pets Fur Coats Clean

The first step to managing pet odor and how it interacts with your carpets is to ensure your pets are kept clean.

Now, we understand that some pets are just a challenge to keep clean, but, many odors from pets start with their coats scent.

If you have been noticing your pup smelling a bit rough lately, remember, that smell is also seeping into your carpets to linger around longer.

A few regular baths and brushings will help ensure the pet odors are quickly managed to control pet odors in carpet.

Be Quick With A Spill or Stain

Sometimes a spill, pet accident or stain can go unnoticed if you were in another room or out of the house at the time of the accident.

However, if you are home or aware of the incident, you will need to ensure it is cleaned up as soon as possible.

Liquids, such as urine, can seep deep into the fibers of the carpet as well as the carpet padding below the surface, making it more difficult to manage.

Because of this, if you see (or suspect) there was an accident, you will need to ensure you get to it as quickly as possible and limit the odor asap.

Vacuum Your Carpet Regularly

Depending on the color of your carpet, you might not see debris and dust in your carpets as fast as you would with other colors, not prompting you to think about vacuuming.

It’s a good habit to add carpet vacuuming to your weekly (or daily) list of to-do’s.

Pet dander and other odors can be hiding in your carpet at any given moment and a regular vacuuming of the floor will greatly reduce those odors.

Use Carpet Cleaner

For pet odor smells and better carpet upkeep, consider using a baking soda based carpet freshener often found in your local stores.

Sprinkle the cleaner on the carpet, allow it to sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum up the floors and cleaner. Certain odor properties will bind to the baking soda and allow for a better carpet cleaning and drastically improve the odors.

Hire A Professional (Best Option)

The absolute best thing you can do for your carpets and pet odors is to hire a professional to conduct a thorough hot water extraction deep cleaning service.

When it comes to cleaning carpets, no one does a better job than Genesis. We use the most advanced truck-mounted carpet cleaning systems on the market today with powerful vacuums and anti-allergen injections that will remove any dirt from your carpet for excellent results every single time!

Genesis Carpet Cleaning offers the best in Santa Clara County for carpet cleaning and has an extensive arsenal of tools to help pet odor.

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